Sulla Soglia (On the Threshold)

Area revitalisation project along the BG-BS railway line


Soglia (threshold): from the Latin solea, sole of the foot, shoe sole; stone slab, concrete (or wooden) strip joining the jambs of a door at floor level or other entrance areas

The station is the threshold, the gate leading to the local areas, to the hidden beauties of the province.

But even more of a threshold as is the poetic body of the performer who makes a gesture, meaning, pushes the sole of his or her foot into space, aware of the political responsibility of inhabiting public space. 

Sulla Soglia (On the Threshold) intends to create the conditions where passersby can stop and observe. We stand on the threshold of home, to look outside but also to bring back in and welcome new landscapes, new encounters, new possible experiences.

Fine, but in concrete terms?

10 urban performances

12 workshop days open to the public

40 interviews and collected memories of passersby at the station and area residents

1 project explanatory video

1 photographic collection

1 audio editing of contributed interviews

8 municipalities involved

2 dance companies

12 professional performers

… And most importantly, all the people who would like to participate in the workshops and performances!

The project consists of community involvement actions through dance workshops open to the public, which will take place in Bergamo, Brescia and those surrounding areas linked by the BG – BS railway line: Rovato, Coccaglio, Palazzolo S/O, Grumello, Seriate, Montello. The proposals will address different segments of the population, encouraging them to participate and enjoy. The culmination of this journey will be a series of performances in the railway stations and historic city centres of Bergamo and Brescia. Interpreters of the performances will be the local people who have chosen to participate in the workshops offered in the areas, guided and accompanied on stage by professional performers. 

Sulla Soglia (On the Threshold)” also includes the collected interviews with people who live there, pass through and work in the railway stations of the municipalities involved. We will act as collectors of anecdotes, facts, legends, stories, traditions, which will constitute valuable material both as conceptual input and as testimony and giving back the cultural, social and historical context of the relevant area.

If the two historical city centres are the beating heart from which we depart, the journey between the two cities constitutes the lifeblood that nourishes and sustains communication between the urban centre and the territory.


The events are open to all people interested in a participatory dance performance experience in the public space of the city. No previous experience in the arts is required. Information on costs and registration at sullasoglia@gmail.com

18/19 March urban dance workshop in the historic city centre of Brescia

Saturday 18 March from 2 pm to 6 pm and Sunday 19 March from 10.30 am to 4 pm; public performance at 5 pm. 

01/02 April 01/02 March urban dance workshop in the historic city centre of Bergamo

Saturday 01 April from 2 pm to 6 pm and Sunday 02 April from 10.30 am to 4 pm; public performance at 5 pm.

Below follow the dates of workshops and performances in the railway stations

Saturday 20 May Seriate 

Friday 23 June Rovato

Friday 7 July Montello

Thursday 3 August Coccaglio

Friday 22 September Grumello

Friday 22 September Grumello

Times to be defined at a later date.


18 marzo -29 settembre


The events

Performance di danza urbana nel centro storico di Brescia e
from 18/03/2023 - to 19/03/2023
Performance di danza urbana nel centro storico
from 01/04/2023 - to 02/04/2023
Performance di danza urbana nella stazione
Performance di danza urbana nella stazione
Urban dance performances in the train station
Urban dance performances in Coccaglio train station
Performance di danza urbana nella stazione ferroviaria di Grumello
Performance di danza urbana nella stazione

